We’re on an island in the heart of Africa, Africa’s authentic, in a place where there’s no loud echoes of tourism, where there are no resorts or safari for travelers in search of unique experiences for a fee.

During the rainy season, a young woman laying on the lap of a man from a fledgling European African features but the skin as white as milk, “She is Adimu. The carry-over where it comes from, “she says. The man is a wealthy owner of a gold mine, a descendant of English settlers. Adimu is an anomaly for his countrymen, is an African albino girl animated by their unreasoning instinct to succeed in spite of everything. What will happen to them and what might happen to us, “whites” in Africa, a distant reality characterized by the customs, tastes, sounds, so different from our own? A journey through the maze of the most intimate human emotions.